Journey to the Cross


God is doing things in us and through us each and every day, whether we know it or not.

Listen: God’s voice offers a new perspective.

How will you listen and be changed?


What does the scripture say? Abraham had faith in God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Workers’ salaries aren’t credited to them on the basis of an employer’s grace but rather on the basis of what they deserve. But faith is credited as righteousness to those who don’t work, because they have faith in God who makes the ungodly righteous.

Romans 4:3-5


When we do work, whether it is an internship, bussing tables, or babysitting, we are usually paid according to the work that we do. We work out with our boss how much we deserve, so that it is worth our time to do it. This seems fair, and it usually is. We don’t get paid for doing nothing.

What is unusual about God is that God gives to us whether we do work or not. It isn’t money that God gives, but something much more valuable. God gives us grace, mercy, righteousness, love, and so much more. God does this not because we deserve it but because God loves us and wants us to have faith. It is one of the many reasons we give thanks to God so often, because God gives expecting nothing in return, and we could never possibly do enough work to pay it back. It is the greatest gift we receive in our lifetimes.

Kristen Pope


Giver of Life, my heart will never stop praising you for the gift of life you have given me. I will strive to do all things to glorify you and to never forget all that has been done for me. I will be open to the Spirit changing me, and I will trust in you through all times, good and bad. Amen.


Allow yourself to be open to the Spirit’s work in your heart.

Get comfortable with not knowing all the answers, placing your trust in God.

Go forth, born anew in the promise of God’s unconditional love.