
Is there anything more promising, more hopeful than the birth of a child? In the cradle, the world is alive with possibility.

The same God who birthed the world into existence, and all the promise that is held by creation, is still at work bringing new life through the Spirit.

Prepare yourself now for the possibility of your own renewed birth, for the assurance of something new.


"I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you."

John 14:25-26


What does it mean to be reminded of something? Does it just mean thinking about something that happened a long time ago? Or does it mean remembering something that you were supposed to do? Does it do any good to be reminded to set your alarm clock if you don’t actually set the alarm clock?

In the Bible, being reminded of something is always an active thing. It’s not just sitting there thinking about what God said or did a thousand years ago. Remembering means DOING something about what you remember.

When we are born of God’s Spirit, the Spirit starts reminding us of what Jesus taught, and that means we should start DOING what Jesus taught us!

Rebecca Poe Hays


Dear Lord, thank you for giving me your Spirit to remind me that you created the world, that you love me, and that you are with me. Please help me to do the things you taught. Amen.


The sun gives rise to the newness of every day.
The moon and stars provide just enough light
To remind us of tomorrow.

The Spirit of God is at work in every moment,
So walk in whatever light you have,
Giving birth to the promise of God in you.