
The very nature of God's Spirit is to express power and to share it.

When so many feel powerless, it is good to know that God is generous, offering the Spirit's empowerment to all the world.

The offer is there for you now as well. Reach out, reach up for the power of the Spirit in your life.


"He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you."

John 16:14-15


On the night that Jesus was betrayed and led to his death, he explained to his disciples that the Holy Spirit is the one who tells us who God is and what God does.

The Spirit is the one who tells us the good news that God created the world, speaks to God’s people, came to earth as the human Jesus Christ, died to save us from our sins, came back to life after three days, and will return to make all things new. We know God because of the work the Holy Spirit does.

And knowing God means that we can praise God. We can worship and offer up our thanks. The Spirit empowers us to glorify God with all our hearts, minds, and bodies.

Rebecca Poe Hays


Almighty God, thank you for sending your Spirit to tell me who you are and how much you love me. Help me to respond with the praises you deserve! Amen.


Come, Blazing Fire,
Anoint our tongues with the messages of peace;
Till, though blind, we see,
And deaf, we hear,
And imprisoned, find release.

Vicki Vogel Schmidt