Ordinary Time


From time to time, we all make decisions which cause hurt to someone we love. Our decisions can result in estrangement and alienation in our relationships, including our relationship with God.

It is not easy to admit our human failure or to seek forgiveness from those whom we have alienated or injured. The good news is that God longs to be in relationship with us. God offers forgiveness and grace, even when we fall short.

So come and rest in the grace of God.


The man said, “The woman you gave me, she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate.”

The Lord God said to the woman, “What have you done?!”

And the woman said, “The snake tricked me, and I ate.”

Genesis 3:12-13


Have you ever played “pass the buck”? For a number of years I was an assistant principal. Assistant principals usually handle the school discipline. Most days, I listened to students passing blame for their actions to someone else. I heard, “I didn’t do it,” “She started it first,” “It wasn’t my fault,” and “He did it too.” Students and adults alike have a hard time accepting responsibility for their mistakes.

Once in a while that rare student would walk through my door and openly admit, “I did it.” I always admired these students. I found our relationship deepened, rather than fractured. They became the students I trusted and respected. I would often recommend them for leadership roles and special opportunities.

All of us make mistakes and do things that are wrong. By openly admitting our failures and confessing them to God, the result is a deepening relationship rather than a fractured one. Confession truly is good for the soul.

Annell George-McLawhorn


God, I confess my unwillingness to admit my wrongs. Help me to grow in the ways of confession. I celebrate your forgiveness that lifts me up when I fall. Amen.


God’s love for you is unconditional. God’s forgiveness is sure.

Live a life of gratitude for God’s grace. Offer to others the forgiveness that God has offered to you. By learning and living a life of forgiveness, your heart will be lightened, and your soul will soar.