Ordinary Time


Traveling to a new place can be a great adventure. The most venturous are more than willing to take even an unmarked road if they feel it holds the possibility of new knowledge or experience.

But even the most foolhardy traveler wants to believe they can find their way to a familiar path if they come to fear they might be lost.

Christians who are on the way know they have an ever-present companion in the journey, a shepherd always there to guide.


Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Acts 2:46–47


My parents always encouraged me to share, which I didn’t like to do, especially when I was younger and life was all about “me and mine.” It was a daily mantra. After all, if I shared I’d have less! I wasn’t able to accept that.

But the wisdom of God demonstrates that sharing enriches us; it brings us a sense of gladness and fullness of life that are beyond anything we can measure.

When we break bread with others, we recall the ways in which the early church shared meals and the Sacrament with one another. It was rarely a solitary event, and it was made more significant because it was shared in community.

When we pray, let’s remember the times we have done so with others; and let’s offer our prayer in gratitude and thanksgiving for all those persons who have guided us or simply walked with us on the journey thus far.

Christine Vogel


Generous God, you have created me for community. May I realize the grace that comes from sharing my life with others. Amen.


When my paper heart’s in a frantic wind
And I fear I'm all alone,
My whisper is heard when I call out to him
And I follow the shepherd home.

All the burdens weighing on my back
Aren't so heavy after all.
Faith is knowing you need only ask.
You can follow the shepherd home.
You can follow the shepherd home.

From "Follow the Shepherd Home" by Mindy Smith