Following the Star


Rest in the Lord and be truly happy.


Therefore, brothers and sisters, you must be patient as you wait for the coming of the Lord. Consider the farmer who waits patiently for the coming of rain in the fall and spring, looking forward to the precious fruit of the earth. You also must wait patiently, strengthening your resolve, because the coming of the Lord is near. Don’t complain about each other, brothers and sisters, so that you won’t be judged. Look! The judge is standing at the door!

James 5:7-9


Patience can be difficult at times. Sometimes, we simply don’t want to wait anymore. We often want to hurry our joy — and then find ourselves looking far too soon for more joy. Christmas is a time we often rush. We can’t wait for it to be here. NOW! This year, decorations were everywhere on November 1. The sense of urgency to rush to Christmas comes with the expectation of joy, but we can miss out on the gifts of this Advent season if we rush through it all.

Be patient with God’s joy. Slow down. Enjoy. By taking time on the journey, we can truly enjoy the gifts in our lives. Set aside the impulse to be impatient. Revel in the moment; don’t rush past it.

Waiting is challenging. Waiting for Jesus is much the same. The wait often causes us to suffer, but then, joy is found.

Kristina Holland


Dear Lord, when I cannot see the wondrous plans you have for me and I suffer in my waiting, please help me find patience in knowing that suffering often comes before joy. And when the blessings come, remind me to respond with gratitude. Amen.


Go into this day and, with the Lord’s help, choose joy.