
Jesus Christ is king over a kingdom of sinners-turned-saints by the redemption in his blood. We are made new by his sacrifice. We are made holy by God’s mercy. We are made alive by the working of the Spirit within.

Enter into a time of connection with this great God, this mighty king, this moving Spirit. Worship the One who is worthy of true worship.


The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.”

Luke 23:36-38


I can’t imagine that Jesus enjoyed the mean words soldiers yelled at him during his execution. It’s easy to forget that Jesus had feelings, and that they could be hurt. But I imagine his feelings were hurt many times – like when he was denied by a beloved disciple three times, or when the disciples couldn’t stay awake while he prayed. And these were just the events right before his death!

I’m afraid I would’ve hurt Jesus’ feelings, too. I accidentally hurt others’ feelings all the time (or at least it feels like it). We all do, even when we don’t mean to.

I think the best thing to do when we realize what we’ve done is to ask for forgiveness. Immediately. Don’t miss the opportunity to heal a wound and right a wrong. A pastor once encouraged her entire congregation to leave and seek forgiveness before taking communion, and I think we can all be inspired to do the same. So seek out someone you’ve hurt today and bravely seek forgiveness.

Caitlin Estes


Forgiving God, grant me the courage to ask for forgiveness and give me the grace to give it. May I remember the magnitude of forgiveness found in the cross, and seek to live my life after it. Amen.


Go forward in confidence of the rule and reign of Christ, the community of fellow believers, and the hope that is to be fulfilled.

Remember Jesus Christ as lowly infant, humble carpenter, and servant king. Remember him as invisible God made flesh, firstborn of creation, everlasting Prince of Peace.

Live fully into the abundant life offered you, and give thanks.