
Jesus Christ is king over a kingdom of sinners-turned-saints by the redemption in his blood. We are made new by his sacrifice. We are made holy by God’s mercy. We are made alive by the working of the Spirit within.

Enter into a time of connection with this great God, this mighty king, this moving Spirit. Worship the One who is worthy of true worship.


Come, behold the works of the Lord; see what desolations he has brought on the earth.

He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow, and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire.

“Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.”

The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Psalm 46:8-11


King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace. When we think of peace, we don’t often think of government leaders or a country’s royalty, but then again Jesus isn’t that kind of king alone. Our God offers a depth of peace that we cannot even grasp. Our God is the God of ultimate peace. Today’s psalm assures us that God is our refuge and strength. When even the nations are chaotic, the earth melts when God speaks.

Things won’t always go our way – there will be war, pain, and sadness. But we have this: God is victorious in the ultimate battle! Nothing can rock the foundation of the Holy One; we are strong and secure in the presence of the Most High.

The trials listed make it clear that hard times will come, but also that those difficulties are not what rule and reign – that honor belongs to Jesus the King.

When confronted with trouble or despair, remember to “Be still, and know that I am God!”

Caitlin Estes


Praise your name, Most High God, for your power and provision! Your people have cause to celebrate, because you offer peace and security to those that trust in you. Hallelujah, hallelujah – the God of Jacob is our refuge! Amen.


Go forward in confidence of the rule and reign of Christ, the community of fellow believers, and the hope that is to be fulfilled.

Remember Jesus Christ as lowly infant, humble carpenter, and servant king. Remember him as invisible God made flesh, firstborn of creation, everlasting Prince of Peace.

Live fully into the abundant life offered you, and give thanks.