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The world needs light. The world needs hope. The world needs selflessness. The world needs equality.

The world needs us to show how Christ walked with those that are oppressed and unique, how Christ prayed for all people, and how Christ served humbly without recognition.

Let us shine with the light of Christ.


Consider everyone as equal, and don’t think that you’re better than anyone else. Instead, associate with people who have no status. Don’t think that you’re so smart. Don’t pay back anyone for their evil actions with evil actions, but show respect for what everyone else believes is good.

If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.

Romans 12:16-18


A new school year means new classes, new teachers, or for some of us, even switching to a whole new school. In any case, you probably have the chance to meet some new people this year.

Think about all of these new encounters: Before you meet someone, do you judge who they are because of how they look (or what they wear, or who they hang out with)? It is hard not to be quick to judge; however, Paul is telling us that we need to think of ourselves as equal to others, associating even with people with no status.

Paul also says we are to live in peace with all people. If you’ve been hurt by someone else’s judgment, try to find peace with what has happened and reconcile with that person. Jesus forgives us for all of our faults in life. Take Jesus’ actions as an example for how you should treat others. Take the way he interacted with his friends, enemies, and strangers as a way to live a life of acceptance for all people.

Megan Turner Doud


God, may I see everyone as you see them. May I never put myself above others, but see them as equals. Amen.


Go, sharing your faith with words and deeds.

Go, living in this dark world, and may you be the light.

Go, serving others with humility and grace as Christ did.

And go, singing words of praise each and every day.