
Listening for God requires us to be tuned in with all of our senses. God may speak to us through our ears, but more often God speaks to us through our hearts, minds, souls, and even our bodies.

We need to learn to be open to listening to God on God’s terms, not necessarily our own.

Stop and prepare to hear from God today!


And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. He said, “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.”

Mark 14:35-36


Have you ever seen something unpleasant coming? Your main goal might have been to avoid it or ignore it. In some cases, you have no control; in others, you are “at the wheel.” In my mind, Jesus, desperate and on his knees, experienced this same situation at his arrest by first pleading with God to “remove the cup from me,” then accepting God’s will.

Listening for what we want, versus what God may want for us, is difficult. Standing up for the powerless, making a decision to speak kindly rather than nastily, treating God’s creation with respect, loving your neighbor, and praying for your enemies are all very challenging. We are called to do good but sometimes we fall short. It’s the “fork in the road syndrome.” Do we go this way or that way?

Listen, for God may be speaking through nature, through others, or through the Spirit.

Rich Richards


Creator God, help me occasionally stop to pray and listen for what you want for me. Amen.


What might God be calling you to do this school year? Listen and respond.

As you go on your way today, continue listening for God’s voice in surprising and unexpected ways.

Listen for God!