
Listening for God requires us to be tuned in with all of our senses. God may speak to us through our ears, but more often God speaks to us through our hearts, minds, souls, and even our bodies.

We need to learn to be open to listening to God on God’s terms, not necessarily our own.

Stop and prepare to hear from God today!


He came and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep awake one hour? Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Mark 14:37-38


There’s a scene in the movie Avatar where an entire community comes together, encircling a Tree of Life, to save a friend. With closed eyes, they chant in unison and move in rhythm. They don’t touch the person, but instead are connected through an inner, electromagnetic current they access through their “tails.” This connection is through spirit and not flesh, connecting with and listening for wisdom and healing powers.

In today’s passage Jesus gets a little testy with Peter, much like a coach might get upset with a player during afternoon practice, asking, “Come on, wake up and pay attention! Do you not realize that your heart and effort will take you further than your feet?”

Sometimes keeping awake and paying attention, even when our bodies wish to sleep, will benefit us in our relationship with God and with others.

Rich Richards


Loving God, help me to recognize that the spirit is strong when my body is weak. Give me the ears to hear and the eyes to “stay awake.” Amen.


What might God be calling you to do this school year? Listen and respond.

As you go on your way today, continue listening for God’s voice in surprising and unexpected ways.

Listen for God!