
Listening for God requires us to be tuned in with all of our senses. God may speak to us through our ears, but more often God speaks to us through our hearts, minds, souls, and even our bodies.

We need to learn to be open to listening to God on God’s terms, not necessarily our own.

Stop and prepare to hear from God today!


And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And once more he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to say to him.

Mark 14:39-40


We find Jesus repeating a prayer over and over again in the same way as if he was practicing a scale on the piano or shooting a free throw on a basketball court.

I think of the famous question, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The answer: “Practice, practice, practice.”

Have you ever thought of prayer as a practice or discipline? Practicing is something we choose to do. Jesus was getting “in the zone,” trying to find that place of peace and tranquility so he would more easily hear God’s voice.

Try practicing in prayer mode and see what happens.

Rich Richards


Dear God, be with me in the repetitions of life and through the uncertain times when my eyes are heavy and I am lost for words. Amen.


What might God be calling you to do this school year? Listen and respond.

As you go on your way today, continue listening for God’s voice in surprising and unexpected ways.

Listen for God!