Ordinary Time


Just take this minute. This minute is your time with God.

God gives life and new life — life on earth and new life in Christ.

You can read this because you are alive, but you chose to take this time because of the new life God promises.

So take this moment to be refreshed.


“Therefore, don’t be afraid of those people because nothing is hidden that won’t be revealed, and nothing secret that won’t be brought out into the open. What I say to you in the darkness, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, announce from the rooftops. Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Aren’t two sparrows sold for a small coin? But not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father knowing about it already. Even the hairs of your head are all counted. Don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.”

Matthew 10:26-31


There’s no question that Jesus was an upstanding guy. But even he had people who talked behind his back. Jesus tells us that lies don’t remain hidden forever. Sooner, later, or way later, rumors will be shown in the light. It is the same for the truth. God promises that all things will be made clear.

How do you confront rumors about you or somebody else?

The truth is powerful. Little truths are sometimes hard to find out. Sometimes they can hurt. But the truth is always best.

The ultimate truth is that God cares for every bit of you, and that Christ gave his life for the whole you. You know that not everybody wants to hear it, but it is true. In God’s kingdom, the truth will be visible to everyone.

Chris Suehr


Hi God, it’s me again. Refresh me in times of darkness, and bring everything to the light. You love me, and that’s the truth. Amen.


When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
By Your touch You call us back to life again;
Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

from “Now the Green Blade Riseth” by John M. C. Crum, 1928