Ordinary Time


Just take this minute. This minute is your time with God.

God gives life and new life — life on earth and new life in Christ.

You can read this because you are alive, but you chose to take this time because of the new life God promises.

So take this moment to be refreshed.


Lord, listen closely to me and answer me, because I am poor and in need. Guard my life because I am faithful. Save your servant who trusts in you—you! My God! Have mercy on me, Lord, because I cry out to you all day long. Make your servant’s life happy again because, my Lord, I offer my life to you, because, my Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of faithful love for all those who cry out to you. Listen closely to my prayer, Lord; pay close attention to the sound of my requests for mercy. Whenever I am in trouble, I cry out to you, because you will answer me.

Psalm 86:1-7


Today’s Psalm is a beautiful song, a deep song. It is the song of a humble and faithful servant, someone kneeling low before God.

It is hard to imagine that this was sung by the great King David — the big king! David was the king that all other kings wanted to be like. He was far from perfect, but King David was known as a strong and just leader.

But here we see him groveling, begging, humbling himself as a faithful servant of God. David is crying out. With all of his earthly power, even the great King David has hard times. He cries out to God.

And God listens. God is listening to us too. God will listen to our sorrow and joy. God answers us too. Are we listening?

Chris Suehr


Hi God, it’s me again. When times are great, remind me that I am a servant. In times of trouble, remind me that I am yours. Listen to me and teach me to listen. Amen.


When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
By Your touch You call us back to life again;
Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

from “Now the Green Blade Riseth” by John M. C. Crum, 1928