Ordinary Time


God be the love to search and keep me
God be the prayer to move my voice
God be the strength to now uphold me
O Christ, surround me
O Christ, surround me

from “O Christ, Surround Me” by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (2004)


One time, after eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah got up and presented herself before the Lord. (Now Eli the priest was sitting in the chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s temple.) Hannah was very upset and couldn’t stop crying as she prayed to the Lord. Then she made this promise: “Lord of heavenly forces, just look at your servant’s pain and remember me! Don’t forget your servant! Give her a boy! Then I’ll give him to the Lord for his entire life. No razor will ever touch his head.”

1 Samuel 1:9-11


Hannah turned to God in desperate prayer. Even without a guarantee that things would turn out the way she wanted, she promised God, “just give me a son, and I’ll dedicate his whole life to service in the temple.”

It’s not easy to be vulnerable and honest when something is causing us pain. Whether that thing is a person or a situation or some combination, naming it out loud can be nerve-wracking. But Hannah does just that in her prayer. She says, “Listen God, this is really hard, but here’s what I have to offer you.” Even though she doesn’t know the outcome yet, she offers to God the most valuable things she can think of – her hoped-for son. What is most valuable in your life? Even in difficult seasons, what promises might you be able to make to God?

Allison Wehrung


God, you brought me into this world and still walk with me in it. Help me embrace the gifts I have to offer, and inspire me use them to your glory. Amen.


With a hopeful heart and Spirit-filled steps,

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.