Ordinary Time


Repent. It’s a word that can challenge us, but simply put, it means to turn.

Sometimes we turn toward things and other times we turn away.

In the next few minutes, settle your heart, mind, and soul and turn toward God.


But the Lord hurled a great wind upon the sea, so that there was a great storm on the sea; the ship looked like it might be broken to pieces. The sailors were terrified, and each one cried out to his god. They hurled the cargo that was in the ship into the sea to make it lighter.

Now Jonah had gone down into the hold of the vessel to lie down and was deep in sleep.

Jonah 1:4-5


You can run, but you can’t hide. God doesn’t give up on you. If you give God enough reason, you may find yourself on the receiving end of God’s attention getters… like Jonah.

What has God done to try and get through to you? Were you wide awake, or asleep in the hold? What might you miss of God’s activity in the world if your eyes are closed? Are there others in your surrounding community who need you to stay awake and pay attention? Who needs your help to lighten the load they bear?

There are times when we fail to consider the effect our selfish decisions have on those around us. It is in these moments that God has a way of making God’s presence known, if only we can stay spiritually awake enough to notice.

Neil Myer


Dear God, thank you for never giving up on me even when you need to go the extra mile to get your message across to me. Help me to stay awake to the needs of those around me and to share your love now and always. Amen.


Christ is calling you today. Time to trust and follow the example of love.