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It’s all about determination—the decision to accomplish something in spite of all the resistance that wells up inside.

When you want to make a change, when anyone wants to shake things up, there is always “push back.” Moving from old to new, even when everyone agrees it’s a good idea, is hard.

That’s true even for God’s good ideas about transformation, which often encounter resistance. Still, God has a pretty good record when it comes to changing things—and people. Now might be a good time for you to decide it’s time to give in.


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.

Colossians 3:16


Some people seem to be able to walk around with a song on their lips all the time. It might make you wonder about them: Why all that happiness all the time? Well, some people are just made that way; it’s almost like they can’t help but sing!

Today’s Scripture tells us that we should allow the word of Christ, the spirit of Christ, to find a home deep inside us. When we do, the result is likely to be that we find things to teach one another and find ways to help one another live like wise people.

And at the end of it all, beginning with Christ’s word, is a song, music in the form of hymns and other spiritual songs. That may sound hard to do, but not so much when we are focused on Christ.

John Ryan


God give me a joyful song to sing in every situation. Give me a spirit of gentleness and wisdom with my friends, loved ones, and even those I do not know. Give me strength to be about knowing the love of God and helping others know that same love, too. Amen.


Every single encounter with God
Holds the promise of
A new direction;
A new perspective;
A change of heart and mind.

Go now resolved that your life will be
Made over again
By the overwhelming grace of God.