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It’s all about determination—the decision to accomplish something in spite of all the resistance that wells up inside.

When you want to make a change, when anyone wants to shake things up, there is always “push back.” Moving from old to new, even when everyone agrees it’s a good idea, is hard.

That’s true even for God’s good ideas about transformation, which often encounter resistance. Still, God has a pretty good record when it comes to changing things—and people. Now might be a good time for you to decide it’s time to give in.


Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4


The psalmist tells us to take delight in God, and God will give us the desires of our hearts. Wow—what a thought! Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that if we delight in God we get whatever we want. But wouldn’t it be nice if that were the case?

To take delight in God means to live for God, not self. Discerning God’s will in our lives takes a lot of effort. It requires us to be attuned to God in our everyday lives, to surround ourselves with like-minded believers, to engage in worship of God, and to live our lives as God wants us to live.

My hope for all of us is that we truly put God first in our lives. When we do that, when we take delight in God, who knows what results we’ll see? What changes do we need to make today truly to delight in God?

John Ryan


Jesus, help me to know God’s will for my life and help me to live for God—not for myself—in my everyday life. When my decisions and actions do not reflect my best, give me the strength to turn back to God and help me to know God is always waiting for me with open arms. Amen.


Every single encounter with God
Holds the promise of
A new direction;
A new perspective;
A change of heart and mind.

Go now resolved that your life will be
Made over again
By the overwhelming grace of God.