Journey to the Cross


This week, we share this Good News: Christ is Risen! Our long wait is over!

Stop and take a deep breath, breathing in the joy of Easter morning; breathe out the fear and doubt of the night that has passed.

God sees you today and loves you as you are.

Who needs to be seen by you today? Look up, so you can share the good news.


Jesus replied, “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those who don’t see and yet believe.”

Then Jesus did many other miraculous signs in his disciples’ presence, signs that aren’t recorded in this scroll. But these things are written so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son, and that believing, you will have life in his name.

John 20:29-31


Other miraculous signs? What else do we need? We have seen Jesus raise someone from the dead, heal a woman who simply touched the hem of his garment, turn over tables in the Court of the Gentiles, pull the little children close, take a boy’s lunch and use it to feed 5,000 people, spit in the mud to make a blind man see… Really, what else do we need to believe?

No, we have seen enough to believe. And because of that belief, we have life in Christ’s name. Do you believe that? If so, what kind of life are you living? Is it a life of joy, of sharing from abundance? Is it a life of serving through Christ’s strength? Or is it a life of complaining, arguing, and divisiveness – a life that is focused on petty things that take us further away from what matters?

As we celebrate Easter week, remember that through Christ we have life, and in Christ it can be a life of true joy.

David Burroughs


Jesus, I have seen enough to know that I want to follow you and serve those around me who are in need – because you have given me life. Help me in my moments of unbelief. But today I believe, and I pray for the courage to follow you and for the grace to find joy in the journey. Amen.


Find your voice today and speak “Peace” to someone in distress.

Find your grip today and hug someone who needs to know they are loved.

Find your stride today and move toward a hurting world with the healing power of the one who made you, who redeemed you, and who has called you to serve.