Ordinary Time


It is time. It is time to be. Be still. Be silent if you can. Just be for a few moments.

The Good News will come to you, and God willing, come through you. Read, experience, and then share. But first, be.


Let God grant us grace and bless us; let God make his face shine on us, Selah, so that your way becomes known on earth, so that your salvation becomes known among all the nations.

Psalm 67:1-2


One time I wrapped up a sermon with a phrase that I thought was all my own doing by saying: “Let go, and let God!” I thought it was brilliant, until members of my parish privately took me aside and asked if I was in a 12 step program for an addiction because that very phrase is used in recovery programs.

Well, whoever came up with it first, our Psalm passage for today invites us to do just that. We are encouraged today to let God grant grace, bless, and shine upon us. Monday can bring all kinds of stressors as we look at what we have to do in the week to come. What a wonderful Psalm to help us contemplate where we are today in relation to God. I wonder if we can alleviate any stress or pressure by remembering today to receive the grace, love, light, and more that God grants us today and this week, by merely letting go and letting God. Let us do this!

Peter Ackerman


God, help me to let go of that which I do not need to be anxious about, so that I can be present with you and help spread your Good News in the here and now that is my life. Amen.


You are never alone.

Remember this, and go out and find others; others who need the reminder of that Good News, and others who can bring God’s message to you.

Be who you are, and spread the Good News today.