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Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don't know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown? Will you let my name be known,
will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?

from “The Summons” by John L. Bell & Graham Maule


But if a person has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need and that person doesn’t care—how can the love of God remain in him?

1 John 3:17


So, the question is not just how our faith leads us to act, but also how our faith calls us to relate to our material possessions and how we act with what we own. Well that ups the ante a bit. I’m fine to volunteer my time and use my gifts for the good of others – but it can get a little harder when it comes to our stuff. Think about it: we all own something that is important to us and that it would be hard to part with – maybe it was a gift or you worked hard for it or you don’t know when you might need it again.

And yet we are called to hold things loosely, to care more for people, even unknown people, than known things. And ultimately our ability to hold material possessions loosely, to open our hands and share with a brother and sister in need, will show how strongly we’re holding onto the love of God.

Katie Lloyd


Loving God, help me to hold on loosely to the things of this world. Remind me that everything I have comes from you. Enable me to open my hands to brothers and sisters in need, that your love may flow through everything I do. Amen.


Lord your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In Your company I'll go where Your love and footsteps show.
Thus I'll move and live and grow in you and you in me.

from “The Summons” by John L. Bell & Graham Maule