Ordinary Time


“I am the beginning in the end
I am the faith in your believing
I am the color of truth
I am the dreamer of your dreams
I am the falling in your love
I am the words of a prayer
I am the silence in the music
I am the music in the silence”

from “God Is” by Danielle Rose (2000)


Jesus and his disciples went into the villages near Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”

They told him, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others one of the prophets.”

Mark 8:27-28


When the disciples name Jesus in the ranks of John the Baptist, Elijah, and the other prophets, they’re saying he’s part of a long line of holy troublemakers. Like John the Baptist, Jesus had called out King Herod’s abuse of power and lack of personal ethics. Like Elijah, Jesus had stretched a single serving of bread into an abundance of food. Like all the prophets, Jesus railed against the hypocrisy of the religious elite who focused more on rules and worship than the people they served.

Depending on who you ask – if you were part of the powerful “in crowd” or one of the overlooked, forgotten ones – these guys were the best – or worst – company. They were rabble-rousers looking for a change.

It’s not always easy to join Jesus’ ranks. You end up joining a long line of troublemakers whose legacy has gone on for thousands of years. But if you do, you get to be a part of God’s abundant, brave, justice-seeking work in the world. You’ll never be alone.

Allie Scott


God, give me the courage to speak up when I know something needs to change. Let me be a holy troublemaker. In the name of Jesus and all your holy troublemakers, I pray. Amen.


I’m here, God. Send Me.

from Isaiah 6:8