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The table where we meet for meals can be a holy place, one where we gather not only to fill our bellies, but to know others more intimately.

God has in mind a table where the entire world will have that experience.

The host has set the table. All are invited. So come today whether you feel like a guest or a host. Stay to be refreshed in the feast of God’s grace.


So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him.

Luke 19:4-6


Growing up, we didn’t have climbing trees, but we had a crow’s nest atop our swing-set. I loved clamoring up to the seemingly sky-high platform and scanning the neighborhood for Superman or Mary Poppins, possibly stopping by for mud pies. I was always looking for these special guests to welcome.

Short, a tax collector, and an outcast, Zacchaeus makes me wonder if he climbed that sycamore tree not just to see Jesus but so that Jesus might also see him. Jesus invited Zacchaeus to hurry down, not wanting that distance between them, and feasted with him in Zacchaeus’ own home.

We don’t need to climb crow’s nests or trees to be seen by Jesus or to see who to welcome to God’s feast of grace. We need to be better grounded in the reality of God in our everyday surroundings. As Jesus saw Zacchaeus, may we, too, see and welcome each other.

Molly Logan


God of knowing, your vision is much clearer than mine. You see me and all of us who hunger for your mercy and love. Help me to welcome those special everyday guests to feast in your grace, too. Amen.


So, who’s at your table today? You may be surprised.

God’s promise is that everyone is welcomed to heaven’s provision.

We are blessed to be both guest and host in the feast of God’s grace.

Go now to share your bread at an open table.