Ordinary Time


Understand—through the stillness.
Act—out of the stillness.
Conquer—in the stillness.

Dag Hammarskjöld in Markings (1964)

Still your body, mind, and soul. In the stillness, can you sense God’s hope waiting for you?


Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17


In a few weeks I’m going to one of my favorite places — Italy. Barring some sort of catastrophe, I know that I’m going on the trip; my tickets are booked, my hotel is reserved, and everything is paid for. I could just hop onto the plane and go. But if I did that, I wouldn’t really make the most of my limited time in Italy. So I’m doing my research now, to be sure I visit the spots that I really want to see. I’m reading about the sites I will visit, so that I’ll be able to appreciate them once I get there.

These verses describe a similar dynamic. God has given us an eternal comfort and a good hope — those gifts are ours, without reservation. But the author prays that the Thessalonians will be able to truly take advantage of them by living the right way — in every good work and word.

The future hope that God has promised us deserves a response. How do you need to live today in response to God’s eternal comfort and good hope?

Andrew Garnett


God, you love me. You are kind and have given me eternal comfort and a good hope. I pray that you will encourage me and help me always to do and say the right thing. Amen.


Go today to walk with a God who has been good in the past, who is faithful in the present, and who has prepared for you a future of overwhelming hope.