Ordinary Time


Understand—through the stillness.
Act—out of the stillness.
Conquer—in the stillness.

Dag Hammarskjöld in Markings (1964)

Still your body, mind, and soul. In the stillness, can you sense God’s hope waiting for you?


Protect me as you would your very own eyes; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Don’t let my brutal enemies attack from all sides and kill me.

Psalm 17:8-9 (CEV)


Our eyes are incredibly sensitive. We have sunglasses to protect them from UV rays, and goggles and protective eyewear to prevent physical injury. Self-defense courses teach people how to strike an attacker’s eyes, on the assumption that the eyes are one of the most delicate parts of a person’s body.

This scripture provides us with one of the most tender images of the Bible — a request that God will protect the psalmist with the same vigilance that God would protect God’s own eyes.

Today, God holds you with that same care. Even when you may not be able to see it, feel it, or recognize it, God shelters you under God’s wings. God regards you with the same tenderness and sensitivity that you protect your own eyes.

Andrew Garnett


God, I give you thanks for the ways that you shelter me. Today I put my hope in your care for me. Amen.


Go today to walk with a God who has been good in the past, who is faithful in the present, and who has prepared for you a future of overwhelming hope.