Ordinary Time


God tells us what is good, and what is required of us: to walk humbly with God in all times and places.

Let our hearts be humbled in these next few moments of prayer and devotion, so that we may hear anew God’s desire for us.


It was certainly our sickness that he carried, and our sufferings that he bore, but we thought him afflicted, struck down by God and tormented. He was pierced because of our rebellions and crushed because of our crimes. He bore the punishment that made us whole; by his wounds we are healed. Like sheep we had all wandered away, each going its own way, but the Lord let fall on him all our crimes.

Isaiah 53:4-6


Has anyone ever made a sacrifice for you? It can be an overwhelming feeling. Even something so small as the person in front of you in line at the grocery store or cafeteria letting you go ahead can fill you with humility and gratitude: “Who, me? Are you sure?”

This passage from Isaiah, filled with imagery of a Savior struck down for us and all of humankind, can produce the same feelings. When we really stop and think about all that Jesus endured for us, it can be incredibly overwhelming! The love that God has for us, revealed in Jesus’ willingness to be “crushed because of our crimes,” is greater than any love we can truly fathom.

As harsh as some of the imagery in this passage is, it reveals to us something so beautiful: a love that knows no bounds, poured out on ordinary, messy people like you and like me. It’s enough to make us look around and ask, “Who, me? Are you sure?”

The answer, of course, is a resounding, “Yes, you!”

Jennifer Christenson


God, your love and your grace are truly amazing. Thank you for reminding me today how much I matter to you. Amen.


Servant of God, you are loved, you are holy, and you are worthy.

Now, go in peace, in humility, and in joy to serve the Savior who humbled himself for you.