Journey to the Cross


Every morning is an opportunity to choose joy!


Some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, scold your disciples! Tell them to stop!”

He answered, “I tell you, if they were silent, the stones would shout.”

Luke 19:39-40


There always seems to be people who want to rain on our parade! All this joy, excitement, praise, and honor is taking place, and the text tells us that some of the Pharisees tell Jesus, “Tell them to stop!” The Pharisees want Jesus to scold and admonish his disciples. Tell them to stop praising!

Can you imagine someone telling you not to praise and honor the one that turned your life around? Can you imagine someone telling you not to praise the one that healed you? Can you imagine someone telling you not to praise the one that loved you and forgave you; the one that didn’t condemn you but renewed and restored you? That is what some of the Pharisees did.

Jesus answers: I can’t shut them up! If they do not praise and glorify God for the miracles they have seen and experienced, God will raise up another to praise — even from the stones.

When I think of all Jesus has done for me, I don’t want rocks praising for me! How about you?

Reggie Blount


God, it’s so easy to give in to peer pressure or people pleasing. Please guard me from Pharisees that want to steal my joy and hamper my praise! Amen.


As you go forth today remember this about God:

“Keep on making a way
Over and over again
You're always bringing me out
Over and over again
Lord, You've done so much
All to You I owe...
I will ever sing Your praise
Glory to Your name
Keep on making a way for me”

The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, “Keep On Making A Way,” (2003)