Journey to the Cross


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

What does Easter mean to you?

What Good News can you model for others, in words or actions?

How will you embody the risen Christ in this season of joy?

How will you live into the spirit of “Alleluia?”

God’s love for you is boundless, endless, and unconditional. Alleluia!


After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. When the disciples saw the Lord, they were filled with joy.

John 20:20


How did the disciples know Jesus? By the evidence of his wounds and suffering. They rejoiced to see him not because of his suffering but because he had overcome his wounds and even overcome death.

Is there a wound, grief, or source of suffering that has impacted your life? Do you sometimes feel like that pain is an indelible mark on your identity?

When we experience loss, we are even more closely held in Jesus’ loving arms. The wounds and scars of a life lived fully make us stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. How can you turn your suffering into a love that will heal others and fill them with joy?

Heidi J. Kim


Loving God, strengthen me when I am in pain, help me learn from my suffering, and encourage me to be more compassionate when others are hurting. Help me to turn my own darkness into a light that can shine for others. Amen.


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

You are beloved.

You are a peace bearer.

You are a light in the world for others.

God’s love for you is boundless, endless, and unconditional. Alleluia!