Journey to the Cross


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

What does Easter mean to you?

What Good News can you model for others, in words or actions?

How will you embody the risen Christ in this season of joy?

How will you live into the spirit of “Alleluia?”

God’s love for you is boundless, endless, and unconditional. Alleluia!


Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise God in his fortress, the sky! Praise God in his mighty acts! Praise God as suits his incredible greatness! Praise God with the blast of the ram’s horn! Praise God with lute and lyre! Praise God with drum and dance! Praise God with strings and pipe! Praise God with loud cymbals! Praise God with clashing cymbals! Let every living thing praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 150


As a church musician singing in the choir, I love Psalm 150! It’s a beautiful reminder that God’s love for us is worthy of celebration – a joyous party. The greatness of God made the psalmist explode with joy and praise – in singing, playing music, beating a drum, dancing! When is the last time that you were moved to that kind of joy?

Easter is a season of joy after the darkness of Lent, and the resurrection tells us that even death cannot overcome God’s redeeming love for us. That is worth celebrating!

Praise God with all the joy in your heart. Praise God by sharing your gifts with all you meet. Praise God by being YOU. Alleluia!

Heidi J. Kim


Loving God, I praise and bless you with all of the joy in my heart! I give you thanks today and every day and ask your blessings upon me, my family, friends, and community. Amen.


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

You are beloved.

You are a peace bearer.

You are a light in the world for others.

God’s love for you is boundless, endless, and unconditional. Alleluia!