Ordinary Time


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

John Newton in “Amazing Grace” (1779)

Consider today: God is searching for you. Grace awaits.


Create a clean heart for me, God; put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me!

Psalm 51:10


Call me weird, but I would love to see a great white shark in person. It would be so much fun to get on a boat in South Africa or Cape Cod and see a great white! But what would I do when I see one? These things are huge with really big teeth! If I’m being honest, I would probably just want to take a quick photo and hide. No getting close to the mouth for me!

Like those big sharks, we all have our sharp edges and our scary sides. But what does God want to do when we are found? What happens to the sheep or the coin when found? More than just taking a picture… When we are found, God comes close. Close enough to create a clean heart in us and put a new spirit in us. The Holy Spirit, who lives deep inside of us, gives us spiritual gifts, comforts us, instructs us, and loves us, so that our sharp edges and scary sides may be transformed. So be found! And be transformed!

Andy Hart


Blessings to you, O God. Create in me a clean heart and put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me. Amen.


God is searching.

Be Found!

Be Transformed!