
Accepting God’s call requires courage to follow. It’s normal to feel fear and self-doubt, but ultimately God knows we can handle the calling that God places on our hearts.

Are you listening for God’s call? Prepare yourself today to hear and respond!


He said further, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

Exodus 3:6


I remember exactly how I felt the moment I stepped foot in Port au Prince, Haiti, for the first time. I just about had a panic attack. The sight of swollen bellies and fly-ridden hair, tattered clothes and lifeless eyes was enough to send me running straight for the comforts of home – until of course I realized that our living Lord himself was standing right there, summoning my faith to be put into action. “Feed me. Clothe me. Get to know me. Love me.”

Sometimes meeting God face-to-face can feel downright terrifying. It certainly did for Moses! But the God we worship is a patient and wildly creative God who knows us far better than we know ourselves. So when you are anxious or afraid, when God’s call has taken you so far out of your comfort zone that you think you might have a panic attack, remember Moses. And then remember the words of the One who knows you best: “Fear not, for I am with you.”

Grier Richards


Merciful God, stir my heart and hands to action, and when I am afraid, be patient with me and call to my mind your comfort and promise: Fear not, for I am with you. Amen.


God’s presence and call often show up in unexpected places and at surprising times. We should all be changed by God’s presence each time we encounter God. Have you sensed God asking you to do something differently in your life? Have the courage to say YES!

Be the presence of Christ today as you give back and share your life with others.