
Accepting God’s call requires courage to follow. It’s normal to feel fear and self-doubt, but ultimately God knows we can handle the calling that God places on our hearts.

Are you listening for God’s call? Prepare yourself today to hear and respond!


"The cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians oppress them. So come, I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt."

Exodus 3:9-10


We tend to think that when God calls women and men like Mary and Moses, Saul and Peter, and you and me, our response to God somehow operates inside a vacuum where the rest of life simply stands still, waiting for us to make up our minds. But think about the Israelites, who had been suffering at the hands of the Egyptians for generations. Wasn’t the call of Moses just as much about the Israelites’ future as God’s chosen people as it was about Moses’ call to leadership?

As you discern your call – as you think about and pray about where you’ll go next or what all you want to do later in life – remember that you are not in this alone; God is using you and working through you to accomplish great and miraculous things! Remember that your yes to God may just be the yes that many have been dreaming about and waiting for, for generations.

Grier Richards


Just as you used Moses to deliver your oppressed people, use me, O God, that I might be a blessing to others. Amen.


God’s presence and call often show up in unexpected places and at surprising times. We should all be changed by God’s presence each time we encounter God. Have you sensed God asking you to do something differently in your life? Have the courage to say YES!

Be the presence of Christ today as you give back and share your life with others.