Journey to the Cross


We too must walk the road to Jerusalem

with our Lord beside — with Jesus, our Guide.

It is a road we must all travel —

the place where we must go to lay down ourselves,

so that we may be raised up together with Christ in new life.


Now a large crowd spread their clothes on the road. Others cut palm branches off the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds in front of him and behind him shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

Matthew 21:8-9


We associate a red carpet with award shows and celebrities, status and fashion, the who’s who of sports or entertainment, and the rich and famous. We see adoring fans crowding the sidelines, cheering and clapping, waving and waiting to see their favorite celebrity go by, hoping for a glance, a smile, or a photo op.

Jesus rode into Jerusalem with no fancy clothes, no entourage, and no flashing cameras. Yet, the waiting crowd spread out their clothes and palm branches on the road to greet him. It was a red carpet welcome for their long-awaited messiah and king. Some greeting him with cheers and “hosannas” were followers, some he had healed, others had heard of him, and some just joined in the crowd. He came to save them all.

We celebrate the things and people we value. We go out of our way for them. We wait in line for them. We shout and cheer for them. We want them to know of our appreciation. How will you honor the one who gave his life for you, so he can know?

Kathy Culmer


How can I honor you, O Lord? In caring for the earth? In the way I treat others? In the way I take care of myself? Help me to know and remember and do these things. Amen.


Love has made a way. Choose it.

Love has made a way. Walk in it.

Love has made a way. Share it.

Do not fear going to Jerusalem or laying down your life for the sake of others. Jesus has made a way, shown us the way, and will be our way through.