Ordinary Time


What authority does Jesus have in our lives? What role do we play in granting that authority? And how might it change us to acknowledge it more completely?


Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth— teach it to me— because you are the God who saves me. I put my hope in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5


Many years ago I went fly fishing in New Mexico with my dad. It was our first time, and we hired a guide to show us where to fish and how to cast. Each morning we would drive to the river, put on our gear, and hike from the parking lot down to the bank. We would follow a trail across a sandy, open area that would then divide into many smaller trails leading to various spots on the river bank. It was easy to get lost because both sides of the trail were surrounded by tall reeds that went over our heads. It was like a maze, and without our guide, I’m sure we would have never found the same fishing spot twice in a row. We might not have even been able to find our way back to the car.

If it’s tough to find our way to and from the river when fishing, then how much more complicated are the pathways of life? We need a guide. Jesus has shown us the path and how to walk. Are you willing to follow?

Chad Senuta


Thank you Jesus for being my constant guide on the journey of life. When I feel lost and overwhelmed, help me to return my eyes to you, trusting that you know the way. Amen.


May your knowledge of Jesus and the way you live your life draw nearer and nearer until both become one.

Go in peace, inviting and seeking that unity.