Ordinary Time


In the calm, God is Love.
During the storm, God is Love.

In times of peace, God is Love.
During times of confusion, God is Love.

No matter who we are, where we go, or what we do, God is always and forever Love.


But in all these things we win a sweeping victory through the one who loved us. I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created.

Romans 8:37-39


The phrase has been thrown around a lot, but what does it mean to have “victory in Jesus”? Certainly, the world’s idea of victory is much different from Jesus’ definition. A victory in the world’s eyes would have you winning and succeeding at whatever you are competing or working for. The world would recognize you for your achievement and perhaps present you with a medal, certificate, or trophy. Your name may be placed on a plaque or banner so others may honor and remember you. People you haven’t heard from in years may reach out and offer their congratulations.

Victory in Jesus looks much different from our normal idea of victory and success. This type of victory means that we are loved by Christ, and no matter what happens to us, the love of Christ is forever perfect and true and allows us to win life’s battles. Through Jesus’ love for us, losses become victories. Earthly victories are temporary, but victory in Jesus is eternal.

Jonathan Hall


Thank you, Jesus, for loving me first! Please help me to remember that through all things, you are always right there with me. Thank you for transforming my failures and weaknesses into victories, in both this life and beyond, through your holy name. Amen.


May God give you Grace never to sell yourself short!

Grace to risk something big for something good!

Grace to remember that the world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but Love!

from “The Dismissal Blessing” by William Sloane Coffin