Ordinary Time


In the calm, God is Love.
During the storm, God is Love.

In times of peace, God is Love.
During times of confusion, God is Love.

No matter who we are, where we go, or what we do, God is always and forever Love.


So what are we going to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He didn’t spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. Won’t he also freely give us all things with him?

Romans 8:31-32


Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the limitlessness of God’s love is exemplified. We serve a God whose love knows no boundaries. What an amazing truth! In the most epic display of sacrificial love ever, Jesus suffered and died despite being purely righteous and innocent. If you ever find yourself questioning God’s love, look no further than the cross of Jesus. If the God who created the entire world loves us enough to die for us – for you – then what possibly can stand against us? Nothing.

Remembering these truths in the midst of these uncertain times can be difficult. Sometimes, it feels like we face opposition from many different sides. This opposition can come in the form of unkind words, rejection, or circumstances far out of our control. In these moments, it is important to remember that God is for us, and if God is for us, nothing can stand against us.

Jonathan Hall


Thank you, God, for showing me what real love looks like. Thank you, Jesus, for your perfect example of sacrificial love. Help me to live in the truth that you are always with me, forever leading and loving. Amen.


May God give you Grace never to sell yourself short!

Grace to risk something big for something good!

Grace to remember that the world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but Love!

from “The Dismissal Blessing” by William Sloane Coffin