Ordinary Time


Being together brings us great feelings of unity, joy, and strength. Think about the people and places, near and far, where you find community.

Pause today and know you also belong to God’s community.


Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus:

Though he was in the form of God, he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit. But he emptied himself by taking the form of a slave and by becoming like human beings. When he found himself in the form of a human, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Philippians 2:5-8


Paul tells the church to adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus. He spells out how Jesus lived humbly by putting others before himself. Jesus was not about self-promotion; he was not going around trying to show off his piety. He did not allow the size of the crowd to go to his head. He simply went around teaching and showing people how to be together, serve each other, love one another.

Being together is not a competition for who gets to the top or is the most successful. Being together is not about tooting your own horn. Instead, being together is about doing what is right for the benefit of others, not thinking of ourselves more important than anyone else. Humility helps us see value in other people.

Let us find ways to adopt the humility we see in Jesus. Because if we are hoping to be together in community, then everyone must feel they have worth for who they are. Our ability to celebrate and appreciate others comes from the ways we practice humility.

Allison Blay


God, I am often concerned with what others think of me. Help me to be humble and gracious. May I journey with others respectfully, equally, and authentically as I serve you today. Amen.


Go with humility and grace, opening your arms to those around you.

Go with your eyes open to see new people and places to love.

Go, being fully you and celebrate the joy of the Lord.

Go, be together.