Ordinary Time


Being together brings us great feelings of unity, joy, and strength. Think about the people and places, near and far, where you find community.

Pause today and know you also belong to God’s community.


Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with celebration! Come before him with shouts of joy!

Psalm 100:1-2


It’s been a while since we all sang together in our places of worship. We miss the voices singing in pews and those gathered in a choir loft all singing praise to God. If you think about it, the notes, keys, or pitch aren’t always perfect but yet the celebration is beautiful. We’ve tried to recreate this on Zoom but it’s not the same as being together in the same space lifting our voices in celebration.

Being able to sing praises to God gives us opportunity to feel more connected to God and others in our community. The act of being together gives us a sense of hope, a feeling that we are one in our celebration of God. Perhaps when you are gathered in your church again the singing will feel different. Singing together may feel like a new-found joy.

Think today about all the reasons you might want to celebrate in praise of God who loves you, sustains you, and walks with you. Know that your community praises God with you.

Allison Blay


God of great joy, thank you for always being present, offering peace, trust, and hope. Help me to choose joy today and celebrate all of the ways you are working in my life. Amen.


Go with humility and grace, opening your arms to those around you.

Go with your eyes open to see new people and places to love.

Go, being fully you and celebrate the joy of the Lord.

Go, be together.