Back to School


God, give me courage to take on this day.

Jesus, give me words when I don’t know what to say.

Spirit, give me breath so I can work and play.


Two are better than one because they have a good return for their hard work. If either should fall, one can pick up the other. But how miserable are those who fall and don’t have a companion to help them up!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


Remember kindergarten? When I started it was only a half day of school with one recess. At my school, we had multi-age classrooms and as soon as we could read, we were allowed to stay the whole day. I remember being so angry that my next-door neighbor friend, Jessica, hadn’t told me that we got a second recess when we spent the whole day at school. I was more excited about a second recess than having learned to read.

And on that second day of second recess, when I was feeling all pleased and proud and a little bit superior, I was pushed off the swing set by an angry kid. Jessica was the one who came and found me in tears with a skinned knee, crumpled by the curb. I was so embarrassed that I had fallen and was bleeding at school. But my older friend Jessica was looking out for me. Who was your unlikely friend who helped you when school proved hostile?

Bronwyn Clark Skov


Holy one, bless my day with a companion. Let a friend find me when I have need, and let me step up to be a friend when I can. Keep me mindful that I always have a friend in Jesus. Amen.


Let me be a friend to those who have few friends,

Let me find a friend when I feel lonely,

Let me walk away from danger to safety,

Help me walk in the light and love of Jesus.