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God, give me courage to take on this day.

Jesus, give me words when I don’t know what to say.

Spirit, give me breath so I can work and play.


I don’t call you servants any longer, because servants don’t know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because everything I heard from my Father I have made known to you.

John 15:15


In the middle school cafeteria, I saw a girl going through the lunch line and take her tray to another girl already seated with friends. I thought it really odd. I found out that the one serving the lunch trays was “paying the price” to become their friend. She had to be a servant before she could be their friend.

I complained to my mother I would be the next one serving lunch because they were the popular girls and I wanted to sit with them, too. Now I knew how to earn their friendship. My stunned mother asked, “Why do you want to be friends with people like that?”

The next day I made my way to the front of the lunch line and used two tickets to get two trays. When I saw the “servant” get in line, I waved her over and told her I already had her tray and asked if she would sit with me. She started to cry and then we laughed together over lunch and became good friends.

Bronwyn Clark Skov


Holy One, bless me with a heart for service. Help me place friendship first and let go of the desire to be popular at any cost. Give me strength to maintain my own integrity as I honor the dignity of others who might become my friend. Amen.


Let me be a friend to those who have few friends,

Let me find a friend when I feel lonely,

Let me walk away from danger to safety,

Help me walk in the light and love of Jesus.