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The Lord your God is with you.

God’s Spirit goes before you as you listen, think, and respond.


Hear, deaf ones, and blind ones, look and see! Who is blind if not my servant and deaf like my messenger whom I send? Who is blind like the restored one, blind like the servant of the Lord? You have seen many things, but don’t keep watch. With ears open, you don’t hear.

Isaiah 42:18-20


It’s probably important to start out by identifying that the blind servant and deaf messenger in this passage are… us… and also the original readers and the readers to come after them. In other words, you and me.

“Wait!,” we cry out, “How is this fair?” Because in our minds, we did so much! We went to church, worshiped, prayed. We celebrated communion, served in mission, studied the Bible. We do a lot to be a devoted follower of Jesus.

But what if it’s also about what we are seeing and hearing? We are great “doers,” but absorbing the needs of the world, truly seeing them, hearing them, being impacted by them deep in our hearts and minds… this is much more difficult.

In the midst of your doing today, open your eyes and really pay attention to what you see – on the news, in your friends’ and family’s attitudes, in your own deep thoughts and worries. And then listen. It’s not just about doing. It’s about the change that comes from fully being a part of God’s movements – seeing, hearing, thinking, and then doing.

Gina Yeager-Buckley


Before I go and do, God, help me look and listen. Open my heart to the full picture of your leading. Show me what it is that I need to feel and learn. Show me how I need to be. Let me do these things for you and not for myself, for the healing of your world and not my own checklist. Amen.


Taking today’s moments into your breath, your heart, your hands and feet,

live what you hear from God today,

and tomorrow.