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God is offering you rest and joy.

What's keeping you from grasping hold of these gifts?


The apostles returned to Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught. Many people were coming and going, so there was no time to eat. He said to the apostles, “Come by yourselves to a secluded place and rest for a while.” They departed in a boat by themselves for a deserted place.

Mark 6:30-32


Tell the truth. Go on, say it. There is no one here but you and God! So just admit it… You are terrified of solitude. You can’t stand to be alone in the silence. You’d rather do almost anything other than being alone with your thoughts. Your regrets. Your fears. Your worries. That voice that says you aren’t enough.

And yet, the scriptural witness beckons us to go away to a solitary place.
For years I have tried to find some easier path only to discover this simple truth… it is in silence that we come before God – receptive to hear God’s voice. Noise is a wonderful distraction – a way of hiding, if you will. It will never bring water to the deep, desert-dry geography of your soul.

To be led by “still waters” to a place of soul restoration, we must first be leadable. Are you? Will you be alone? Alone with God? Will you listen for that still small voice that has what you truly need?

Wade Griffith


God, why do I resist the very thing I need? Help me to choose you. Help me to seek you in the silence, knowing it is a safe place because you are there waiting for me. Amen.


Don’t think, “Yes, in the future, I ought to…”

Instead, do it.

Do it now.