
The best gifts are those received from someone who knows us well. These are the kinds of gifts that we celebrate with great gladness!

Take time to consider the gifts you have received from the One who knows you best, and celebrate God's great goodness and generosity.


Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.

Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord.

Psalm 36:5-6


Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated the birth of the Savior. By now, the trees have been stowed away, the presents opened, and the carol music replaced by other songs. Yet the God we celebrated is still just as worthy of praise as the God we praised on December 25th.

The psalmist declared that God is Lord over all of life — from the skies to the bottom of the ocean. God gives us the good gifts of love, righteousness, and justice, and God does so in a steadfast way. That means God is faithfully committed to us. It’s not a love that’s put away when the tree is put away or the presents are unwrapped. God’s love endures beyond anything we can imagine. Will we continue to celebrate the Lord our God — whose love for us is so faithful — even when it’s not the holiday season? Will we be faithful to God the way the Lord is faithful to us?

Laura Rector


Spirit, thank you that your love does not change with the seasons. Thank you for a love that endures. Amen.


Open your heart now as you would a brightly-wrapped package,
Confident that the Giver of Life has provided you the greatest gift,
The gift of life.
Live today as a celebration, a time of giving back—
To God
And to all the world.