
Peace, even just a few moments of being truly at ease, seems very, very hard to come by sometimes. There are just too many options for doing something "right now!" Slowing down becomes a luxury.

So...what to do? How to be? What next?

Peace, just a few moments of being truly at ease, could be there for you now, in a few moments within the heartbeat of God.


The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves.

Mark 6:30-32


“Get busy.” That’s what we hear from everything that surrounds us. After all, doing more has the assumed promise of fulfillment. More diet pills will make you better-looking. More status updates will make you more popular. More church will make you more spiritual. More stuff will make you happier.

And here’s Jesus, hearing about all the busyness of his apostles as they gather around him, reporting back about poor people being fed, homeless people finding a roof, searchers finding the way. His response? “Come away.”

“Come away” from the busyness and frantic pace. “Come away” from working so hard to please God that you forget to take care of yourself. “Come away” from the belief that doing more is the sum of your calling. “Come away” from planning another mission trip so that in your busyness, you can avoid the most important relationship of all. “Come away.”

Jesus knew what was best for his followers, and as people who wear that label, we’d do well to listen to his advice.

John Woods


Whispering God, who speaks to your creation through your spirit, remind me that activity does not always equal devotion, so that I might find the freedom to slow down and enjoy a moment alone with you. Amen.


Go in peace
With Christ now at your side.
Go with a sense of ease
That only Christ provides.
Go to share the calm within.
Peace again.