Ordinary Time


Slow, steady, deep inhale through the nose, hands on stomach to feel your belly rise.
Slower, steady, deep exhale through the mouth.

Say LORD HAVE as you breathe in.
Say MERCY as you breathe out.

LORD HAVE (breathe in)
MERCY (breathe out)

Repeat one final time, allowing your body to reflect your heart’s desire and mind’s focus to pause with the Holy One.


When Jesus saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” As they left, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw that he had been healed, returned and praised God with a loud voice. He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. He was a Samaritan.

Luke 17:14-16


If you’ve ever caught a break in life, then you know the meaning of mercy. Being on the receiving end of mercy makes us compassionate. And compassion gladdens the heart and rejoices in the truth.

The truth in today’s story involves Jesus providing clear directions. The truth is that obedience was rewarded. The truth is the weight of gratitude that caused one man to return, fall flat on his face, and probably slobber praise through some serious ugly crying. The truth is that sometimes it is possible to be utterly surprised by the joy of compassion. I hope you experience some of this truth today. I hope you show it to someone in need, and trust you’ll receive it when you need it, too.

Aram Bae


May the weight of gratitude prompt me to return to the ways of gospel living, so that I may return to you, God of Mercy.

Let me sing praises of gratitude, reflecting your compassion towards others as you have graciously shared with me.

In Jesus’ merciful name, amen.


May God the Creator bless you and keep you safe today.

May Jesus the Christ smile upon you and be gracious towards you.

May the Spirit of Mercy lead you along the path of truth and wisdom.

And all of God’s people say —
