Ordinary Time


Slow, steady, deep inhale through the nose, hands on stomach to feel your belly rise.
Slower, steady, deep exhale through the mouth.

Say LORD HAVE as you breathe in.
Say MERCY as you breathe out.

LORD HAVE (breathe in)
MERCY (breathe out)

Repeat one final time, allowing your body to reflect your heart’s desire and mind’s focus to pause with the Holy One.


On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten men with skin diseases approached him. Keeping their distance from him, they raised their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, show us mercy!”

Luke 17:11-13


Mercy is not getting what you deserve, said my pastor. I’ll never forget his analogy. He told us to imagine getting pulled over by an officer for speeding. This wasn’t far-fetched for a group of teenagers, some of whom were newly minted drivers. Pastor Kee said what we deserve is a ticket. His students begrudgingly nodded. Then he told us to imagine the officer looks us square in the eyes, takes a deep breath, and lets us off the hook. That, said Pastor Kee, is mercy. I remember the entire room feeling lighter, all of us relieved at the fictional, but all too relatable, example.

Today’s passage isn’t fictional. Here we have Jesus, walking on his way to Jerusalem. He was interrupted by a group of ten men who kept their distance from him. We know these diseased people didn’t deserve their ailment. But we also know that still, we often judge people for their lot in life. I wonder if they too judged themselves. I wonder if that’s why they shouted, “Show us mercy!” For maybe what they truly wanted was to be saved from themselves.

Aram Bae


Lord, have mercy upon me when I judge others. Have mercy upon me when I judge myself.

Embolden my courage to shout for your help, for your mercy. For in you alone do I find relief and comfort.

In Jesus’ merciful name I pray, amen.


May God the Creator bless you and keep you safe today.

May Jesus the Christ smile upon you and be gracious towards you.

May the Spirit of Mercy lead you along the path of truth and wisdom.

And all of God’s people say —
