Ordinary Time


We hear your invitation, and heed, O Lord, your call; your word of consolation is spoken here to all.

It draws us to your loving heart; it brings us to your blessing, which never will depart.

from “Around You, O Lord Jesus” by F. M. Franzén (1772-1847)


But Jesus said to them, “There’s no need to send them away. You give them something to eat.”

They replied, “We have nothing here except five loaves of bread and two fish.”

Matthew 14:16-17


Growing up and becoming an adult brings with it the feeling of being constantly unprepared. “Adulting” has a way of requiring more out of me than I can give most days. This is precisely when these verses from Matthew mean the most to me — when I feel like I have almost nothing to give.

That’s how I imagine the disciples feel when they hear Jesus’ command to feed the hungry crowd of five thousand. He tells them to do something with next to nothing. Jesus invites his disciples to believe not in what they see before them but in what faith can make happen even with the smallest of offerings.

And on our worst days when we feel like we have nothing to offer, Jesus is there inviting us to give and feed and love whether we feel prepared to or not. By trusting in God, we can respond with love to Jesus’ invitation. And that’s when miracles can happen.

Sarah Boatwright


Holy God, thank you for your many blessings. Forgive me when my faith fades and I no longer see the gifts you give me for what they are — more than enough to get through even the hardest days. Amen.


Let gratitude be the pillow
Upon which you kneel to
Say your nightly prayer
And let faith be the bridge
You build to overcome evil
And welcome good

Maya Angelou in Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer (2006)