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It’s getting closer—and now closer. Moments follow moments until you reach the moment—the here and now.

No matter what comes before and regardless of what follows, God is always there, always in the present. No matter when. No matter where.

God is with you—here and now. Open your heart to know God better.


Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, as on the day of testing in the wilderness.

Hebrews 3:7–8


I hope that if I were to hear God’s voice today, my heart would just melt to pieces, and I would be filled to overflowing with love and mercy. I hope that if I were to hear God’s voice today, my whole being would soften, and kindness would emanate from me. I hope that if I were to hear God’s voice today, my body would simply crack open, radiant light shining out through the cracks onto the face of the world.

The truth is, however, that I am probably too busy today to hear God’s voice. I have lots of very important things to do, and only I can do them. Busy-ness and self-importance can make any heart harder than stone. How’s your heart? Were God to speak to you today, would you hear?

Katie Day


God, speak to me today. Give me ears to hear your voice. Soften my heart and come right in! Amen.


Even while the seconds go ticking by,
Even as days pass, one and then the other,
Every moment is but a beginning.

Go into the moments ahead
Alert to the never ending promise
That every instant is inhabited
By divine companionship.