Ordinary Time


God’s words challenge you to live a life worthy of imitation.

Step into the challenge of these words today and be reminded that you are called to shine light into darkness, and the light you shine points back to the love of God.


But me! I am filled with power, with the spirit of the Lord, with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his wrongdoing and to Israel his sin! Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob, rulers of the house of Israel, you who reject justice and make crooked all that is straight, who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with injustice!

Micah 3:8-10


Maybe when you watch the news, read headlines, or see what is trending on Twitter, you get overwhelmed and feel powerless. Maybe what you see gives you a sense that evil is winning. It can be hard, especially in all that has happened around a pandemic, racial injustice, and partisan politics.

Even the passage yesterday called out the false prophets. Today’s reading from Micah calls you and me out – and in a powerful way. Micah’s words should be our words, “filled with power, with the spirit of the Lord, with justice and might.”

There will always be evil, false voices, and injustice. You are called to respond – to call out injustice and wrongdoing, using the voice God gave you. It isn’t easy. Remember though, that you are not reading these words alone. There is a tribe of Christ followers who are spreading light and love in this world, rejecting injustice and showing a better way! Carry on in courage with them!

Brian Foreman


God, I need courage to name injustice when I see it. I find strength in you and those who call you God. Help our world be one where the actions of justice speak louder than evil. Amen.


You are the light of your community.

You are the salt of the neighborhood.

You carry God’s truth to the places you go.

Be confident that imitating Christ is your call, even imperfectly.

Be bold in lifting others up in a world that seeks to put them down.

Remember your brothers and sisters, and pray for them this day.
