Ordinary Time


Take a deep breath. Take another one. In this moment, God extends an invitation to you, yes, you! Get ready to respond to Godā€™s invitation to quench your spiritual thirst. Get ready to drink.


On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and shouted,

ā€œAll who are thirsty should come to me! All who believe in me should drink! As the scriptures said concerning me,Ā Rivers of living water will flow out from within him.ā€

John 7:37-38


In many west African countries, strangers are welcomed with a glass of water. Offering water to the stranger is not only a way to quench their thirst but also a sign of welcome. This initial engagement between host and guest lays the foundation for a fruitful interaction.

When Jesus offers a drink of water to those who thirst, he is also offering a welcome to those who may feel left out or on the outside. Jesus says if you are thirsty, come; if you believe, drink. I am sure there were many in the crowd who heard Jesus’ invitation and thought, ā€œWhat a strange thing to say.ā€ But there were also those in the crowd who were yearning to be seen and welcomed with no conditions.

So many people are thirsty not only for water but also for welcome, for hope, and for the knowledge that they are loved beyond measure. They, too, are waiting to hear, ā€œIf you are thirsty, come. If you believe, drink.ā€

James Blay

Question to Ponder:

How can you share Jesusā€™ invitation to drink with someone today?


Faithful God, thank you for the invitation to drink the living water that flows from knowing you. Give me the courage to extend that invitation to others who also thirst.



Go spread the word. All who are thirsty, all who are yearning for welcome and belonging, all who need to feel loved and experience grace, come to the fountain of Jesus and drink.